Sunday 24 July 2016

Greg Englesbe- The Pros and Cons of Jogging

Greg Englesbe is an avid outdoorsman and regular jogger in his neighborhood in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where he runs E Mortgage Management, LLC. He works out regularly because he knows that regular exercise, especially cardio workouts, leads to a longer, healthier life. He claims to feel the positive effects every day after he completes his morning run. However, jogging is not for everyone.

                                               Greg Englesbe

Pros: Stronger heart and circulatory system, increased energy and metabolism, release of endorphins, and cleaner lungs. Regular cardio workouts like jogging has positive effects on the heart and circulatory system because it strengthens the heart and makes it easier for the most vital organ to pump blood throughout the body. Greg Englesbe also finds that running sometimes helps him clear congestion from his lungs, especially in the heavily wooded areas where he runs regularly. Lower blood pressure means less stress on the circulatory system in general and reduced chances of heart attacks later in life.

Cons: Potential for joint and ligament damage, especially in the knees and ankles. Those with serious knee or ankle injuries shouldn’t run for fun. Running is excellent for the heart, and as long as your knee joints and bones are protected with a layer of cartilage still, running is a great exercise, as Greg Englesbe can attest. However, there are many cardio exercises that don’t stress the joints and ligaments as much, including swimming and using the elliptical machines at the gym.

Greg Englesbe will run as long as his knees and ankles allow him.

Monday 18 July 2016

Greg Englesbe - Fostering Community Development Through Homeownership

Greg Englesbe fosters community development through homeownership with his mortgage company, E Mortgage Management, LLC. Englesbe lives in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Englesbe believes in the power of the family and in homeownership as a basic building block of communities around the country. Englesbe has used his experience as a lender to form his own mortgage firm according to his own vision of what homeownership should be.

Greg Englesbe
Greg Englesbe sees homeowners as the builders of the community. They usually are committed to staying put for long into the foreseeable future, they contribute to the local government in the form of property taxes, and they are far more likely to donate time and money local causes and organizations in need if they expect to see the beneficial results of doing so. Greg Englesbe is a community leader himself and works to sustain and build Cherry Hill and the surrounding area into a place where people want to put down roots and live.